Marital problems

Q: Recently I have performed my second marriage. I am already married before and I have two children with my first wife. Till yet I did not live with my second wife because we have performed only nikaah. But since my first wife came to know about my second marriage, she is keep asking me divorce and saying that she will take both children with her if I will not divorce my second wife, while my second wife always wants to live in peace and harmony with my first wife and gives her respect as elder sister (both wives never met each other yet). Can you please help me in this regard and advise me what should I do in this situation because I want to live with both wives and want to do justice between them and specially my second wife has converted herself as Ahle Hadith as I am also the same, her parents were hanafis, I really appreciate your kind advise or fatwa.

A: Maybe you can get some respectable experienced pious person to explain the situation to your wife.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)