Marital problems

Q: I had an overreacted argument with husband via text of which I called him an idiot. He said he hated me. After a few more words out of anger I said “i want a divorce” anger lasted a few hours. Of which I told his sister that me and her brother will seperate and I want my gold packed up (as I was in my mothers house). I have never been this angry with him in my 2.5 years of marriage, Shaitan took over. Ofcourse I had regretted and asked for his forgiveness many many times. I had some issues with the inlaws and that all built up in that moment of anger and I had flung it on him. I have repented!

Will I not smell the fragrance of Heaven? Now the tables have turned and he has divorced me (1 talaq) after begging him but he refuses. As I had said about my marriage to one of his cousins. He says that i am a liar, and wont believe how i had felt at his house. I dont want to be accountable to Allah swt and i also think that this is a petty divorce.

A: As long as you are sincere and honest in asking for forgiveness, Allah will see you favourably.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)