Marital problems

Q: I am 27 years old. We are married nearly 2 and half years now. I am struggling to conceive due to imbalance of hormones and irregular periods. My husband has higher desire of sex compare to myself. I am trying my level best to meet up to his requirements but he is not happy and believing that I disobey him. I know and accept in Islam that a wife must show up when her husband calls her to bed otherwise she is sinful. He gets angry and frustrated with me and tells me that I should change my religion because I refuse him in bed. It is really quite worrying my life, I see no fault of myself if naturally I have less desire compared to him. But I am being scolded most of the time. My question is that what should I do in this case? Am I still sinful? How should we behave in this aspect? How should my husband treat me as I am naturally less desiring and most of the time I am meeting his requirement. I can say 90% of the time I do meet his desires. 

A: If you are getting exhausted then you have two options, either ask him to be considerate towards you or else he may marry a second wife.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)