Is missing tahajud a sin?

Q: When my brother in law's wife was pregnant, I said that if she gives birth to a baby girl I will pray tahajud namaz everyday. But later I felt guilty about this and few days later she delivered baby girl. 2 months later I became pregnant and till I maintained tahajud namaz I was safe. When I did not pray tahajud the next day, I had to undergo major surgery. It was ectopic pregnancy my tube was ruptured. I think that God punished me. I sad sorry from depth of my heart because I took tahajud namaz lightly. Will Allah forgive me or not? Will I be punished my whole life if I don't pray tahajud? 

A: Missing out tahajjud is not a sin. The misuse of the eyes, tongue, ears, or deliberately allowing the mind to wander in wrong thoughts is sinful.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
