
Reward of esaal-e-thawaab distributed among the marhooms

Q: When a person reads Surah Yaseen once, he gets the reward of reading the Quraan 10 times. If for example he makes the intention of isaale-thawaab for 10 people in his family when reading the surah, will they each receive the reward of 1 Quraan each, or 10 Quraans each? As in is the reward divided amongst them or each person gets the full reward? 

So when making intentions as well for isaale-thawaab, is there a difference between saying "all the marhooms" or specifically mentioning a person's name that you want the reward to be sent to?

Asking Allah Ta'ala to take one's salaam and a message to Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) or a deceased relative


1. If a person says, “Oh Allah, please take my salaam and message and esale thawaab to Nabi (sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) and present it on a gold platter to him" and they proceed to say Bismillah and say Assalamualikum Ya Rasoolulah and say something like today I read this Hadith and explain and give the Hadith like a person is talking to him and then they read 3 times surah Ikhlaas and say Aameen. Is this permissible? If not, does it have any elements of shirk in it? 

2. If a person has lost a loved one and they say to Allah, can you please take my message and esale thawaab to so and so and they proceed to say Bismillah and then they give a message like they talking to the person as if the person was there and then they read 3 times surah Ikhlaas and say Aameen. Is this permissible? If not, does a person get sin for this?