Conditions for the validity of Salaah

Woman covering the feet in salaah

Q: Is not covering the feet below the ankles for woman against sunnah? I have severe waswasa and I found out that except for Hanafi's, others consider the feet as awrah. Are my prayers invalid as I didn't cover it after knowing about the ruling. Why do Hanafi's not consider the feet as awrah. I feel scared that my namaz isn't valid. What should I do?

Performing salaah a few degrees away from the qiblah

Q: I would like to confirm if the following is correct: 

1. Someone told me that when reading salaah, when facing the qibla, if you are a few degrees wrong then it is maaf.

2. If someone is reading salaah facing the wrong direction then you must turn them towards the right direction or tell them and they can turn to the right direction without breaking their salaah and their salaah will be accepted.