
Musaafir staying in one place for weeks but travelling safr distance every weekend


1. If a person travels overseas for 5 weeks but every weekend he travels safr distance for sight seeing and returns to the hotel at night, will he be a musafir during those 5 weeks?

2. If he travels out of the area that his hotel is in but it is not safr distance, will he still be considered a musafir?

Musaafir performing salaah with jamaat in the masjid

Q: I have a few questions regarding a musafir.

1. If a musafir joins the jamaat in the masjid, does he have to perform the full salaah? For example does he have to read the full 10 rakaats of Zohr or just the 4 Fardh that was read in jamaat?

2. Is it better to read the salaah in jamaat in the musjid or on my own, if I don't know any other musaafirs to make jamaat with?

3. Is it better to read qasr salaah or the full salaah when traveling, if I am reading alone?

Imaam making intention of fardh salaah after starting the salaah

Q: I was the imam in a salaah while travelling, a few other travellers also stopped, joined us and we performed salaah.

We had departed after Fajr, and had decided we will stop for Zohr at this location. After stopping we had meals etc. made wudhu and went to perform salaah.

At the time of starting the 2 rakaat jamaat salaah, I don't remember having a definite intention of performing Zohr Salah itself, although it was for this very reason we stopped. After saying the takbir the thought came into my mind that what salah am I performing? Is it Asr? Then I immediately realised no its Zohr.

After salaah I mentioned this to an alim there who said its fine, since we stopped for that very reason so "ilm" was evident, and "amal" as well was evident. When these two are found then this is sufficient, its not necessary to make the specific intention before salah.

1. Is this correct? Is the salah valid?

2. If it is invalid, what should one do when the musallis behind one cannot be traced?

Musaafir staying in different suburbs for few days each

Q: If I travel from Johannesburg to Durban for 20 days, but stay at different suburbs in Durban for a few days each, e.g. Musgrave, Sherwood, Overport, Clare Estate, Westville, etc.

1. Would I be a musafir?

2. What is considered in determining whether a place is considered as one or two different places? E.g. Is it based on the city name, suburb, physical break in buildings, etc?

Musaafirs performing Zuhr Salaah individually instead of performing Jumuah Salaah

Q: If a couple of people are musaafirs in a city and decide to perform Zuhr Salaah in their hotel rather than go for jumuah, is it then:

(a) Best for them to pray zuhr salaah individually rather than making a jamaat OR

(b) Obligatory for them to pray zuhr salaah individually rather than making a jamaat OR

(c) Best for them to make a jamaat for zuhr salaah?