
Law of safr distance

Q: How can one tell that traveling this much distance reduces to half rakahs of prescribed salah whereas that distance doesn't make them tired and what is the case of traveling less than the prescribed distance and getting more tired, at this situation is there any reduction in rakah of salah. What is the factor which acts main in reduction of number of rakah of salah. Is there any rule if travel one day, stays less than 3-4days and returning back, in this situation can we pray reduced salah or fulfilled salah.

Travelling without a mahram

Q: Is it allowed for a lady to travel with her child of age one year for umra. Her husband is in Saudi Arabia and will be waiting in Jeddah airport for her and also will perform umra with her, but she will be alone in travelling from Pakistan to Saudi Arabia airport. I hear it is mandatory for her to have a mahram with her. My question is, is it ok for her to travel alone to Saudi and after that perform umra with her husband?

Qasar Salaah

Q: I was born in Jeddah. I have been living in Riyadh for almost 13 years. A little while ago, my family and I decided to visit Medinah, then after 13 days of visiting Medinah, we would visit Makkah. We live in a home provided to us by the hospital (as my father is a doctor) for over 9 years. Now, in 7 days' time, we will visit Makkah insha'Allah. The question is, during this period of time, so we have to offer Qassr prayer or normal 4 rakahs of prayer?