
Can a Musaafir read his Asr in Zuhr time?

Q: Due to travelling by bus for lengthy hours, can a Hanafi read his Asr after Zohr in the time of Zohr if he knows for certain that the bus stops occasionally for 2 mins only (which is insufficient time to perform salaah) & the next lengthy stop will be after maghrib. There is no place to stand & read salaah on the bus, there is place to sit. If Yes, he can perform the Asr early, then can he make jamaat in Zohr time with other passengers who are in the same position as him? & now, suppose the bus suddenly stops for 10 mins during Asr time (which is sufficient to read Farz of Asr), does the Asr performed earlier on during Zohr time become null & void?

Safr distance

Q: I live in Durban, Overport. The other day I travelled to king shaka airport to fetch someone. From there we went to Pietermaritzburg. Was I a musaafir in Pietermaritzburg?

Commencing the safr

Q: I stay in Raisethorpe. One day I decided to travel musaafir distance, so I left my home, and 1st stopped at east street musjid in town, read 2 rakaats fardh of zuhr and got onto the highway, I did this because I was no more in raisethorpe, I was in town. Is this permissible?

Safr related question

Q: If I travel from Isipingo Beach intending to leave my wife in umzinto and then go to clairwood to join jamaat and stay for two days, am I musaafir? Note total distance covered will be approx. 120km but net distance from origin to destination is 20km.

Changing one's home town

Q: I had a house in my home country (Country A), then moved to another country (Country B) for a long period, but kept my house in Country A. After a while I decided to leave country B and move to a third country (Country C). I left country B permanently, but before going to Country C, I went back to visit my house in Country A, intending to stay there less than 15 days. At this point I didn't have any home apart from my house in Country A, but I, as mentioned, intended to leave soon, and find a place to stay in Country C. My question is: should I have shortened my prayers during the visit of my house in Country A?