Witr and Nawaafil

Tahajjud, Isharaaq, Chaasht and Awwaabeen Salaah


1. How many rakaats can I pray for Tahajjud, without including witr?

2. How many rakaats of Ishraaq can I pray, and when is the time for Ishraaq?

3. When is Chaasht prayer time if Zuhr is at 12:41? And how many rakaats should I pray for Chaasht Salaah?

4. As for Awwaabeen Salaah, how many rakkats can I pray?

Please include any mustahab surah’s that I should recite in the rakaats. e.g. For Ishraq first rakaat, recite Ayat-ul-kursi, and for the second rakaat, recite Surah Ikhlaas. 

Performing the sunnah muakkadah salaah before and after the zuhr salaah

Q: Today, my Moulana told us that if we did not read the full 12 rakaats of Zuhr Salaah, then we should go and read it. I had only read the 4 fardh and I was rushing a lot. We were writing our Jamiatul Ulama exams so I thought that if I go to read the sunnats, then I will have less time to write the paper, so I lied to my Ustaad and did not go to read the sunnats. Now I am feeling bad for deceiving and lying to my Ustaad. Will I be sinful if I leave out performing the sunnats?

Reciting qunoot in 2 rakaats if one doubts the rakaats

Q: In the witr prayer, if a person has a doubt as to whether they are performing the first rakat or the second rakat and this doubt occurs quite often and because their heart is not inclined towards either rakat that person chooses the lesser number and performs the first rakat along with the tashahhud because it is possible that this could be the second rakat. In the second rakat does this person have to recite the qunoot because it is possible that this could be the third rakat? In the third rakat, does this person have to recite the qunoot again along with prostration of forgetfulness.