Witr and Nawaafil

Qiraat in the second or third rakaat of witr salaah being longer than the first rakaat


1. In the witr prayer, is it makrooh tahreemi, makrooh tanzeehi, or permissible to recite a surah in the third rakat which is longer by three verses or more than the surah which was recited in the first rakat and is it makrooh tahreemi, makrooh tanzeehi, or permissible to recite a surah in the third rakat which is longer by three verses or more than the surah which was recited in the second rakat?

2. In a fard prayer or in a wajib prayer, if two surahs have the same number of verses but not the same number of words then would it be makrooh tahreemi, makrooh tanzeehi, or permissible to recite the surah which has less words in the first rakat and to recite the surah which has more words in the second rakat?

Making niyyat of four rakaats and making salaam after two rakaats

Q: If a person commences performing four rakaats sunnat ghair muakkadah, before Asr or Esha, but due to the jamaat salaah starting, he only performs two rakaats instead of four, then will he need to perform these four rakaats later on after the jamaat? (The reason I am asking is that I have read that once we start salaah, even a nafl salaah, it becomes waajib to complete it.)

Reciting aloud in nafl salaah


1. Regarding any nafl salaah, I would like to know if it is permissible to read the qiraat aloud, for purposes of dhor?

2. If it is, should one perform the salaah as though leading a jamaat, i.e. say takbeer for postures aloud, etc.

3. Do the same rules above apply for qadha salaah as well?

4. What are the rules for performing nafl salaah in jamaat, e.g. with one's spouse or household?