
Wife or daughter looking at the body of the deceased when they are in haidh or nifaas


  1. I wanted to ask if just say when a father passes away and his daughter is in haidh or nifaas then can she see the body and if not why and should she attend the funeral?
  2. Also I wanted to ask the maslah about the wife seeing the husbands body when he has passed away can she see it and can the husband see his wife's body? And why is their nikaah broken because he passed away or she passed away? Or what if she is in nifaas or haidh can she see the body?

Thana of Janaazah Salaah

Q: I was told the extra words in the Sana of Janaza salah وجل ثناءوك (wajalla sanauka) should not be recited in Janazah salaah because it is not proven from Hadith or the practice of the Sahaba and is a bidat. Is this correct?

Placing a line of bricks around the grave


  1. Laying a layer of brick stones around a grave for identifying the presence of a grave but not building anything over the grave, is it permitted or not? Does it come under the category of a pukka grave which is prohibited in Shari'ah? We see in Jannatul Baqi that many graves have a demarcation with a layer of rock stones around them.
  2. What is the meaning of the statement that 70000 dead will be taken out from a single grave on the Day of Resurrection? The numbers 7, 70, 700, 70000 are used in Hadiths and in the Quran to describe different situations. Can we take these numbers in the literal sense or do they convey any other meaning?