Those situations where Talaaq does not take place

Husband telling his wife "I am leaving you"

Q: My husband and I had an argument on WhatsApp. He messaged me and texted that I'm leaving u from today..I'm blocking u all and said I'm breaking over the relationships. At that same moment I left the car as I was traveling and I asked him u divorce me... u using these words. He said are u mad .. did I used divorce... 

He swears to Allah he didn't intended divorce by that... He just threatening me and he just mean I will leave you but didn't leave. His sister saying she ask mufti and mufti said no divorce occur. What could I do, should I believe them?

Does talaaq automatically take place if the spouses did not consummate the marriage within 4 months?

Q: One of my friends married 6 month ago. But she and her husband still not had intercourse between them. She doesn't know anything about it. Her husband also not trying to do anything. What can we do for her? How to take his feelings out? I heard if a husband and wife don't have intercourse upto 4 months, automatically it will be talaq. Is it true? 

Husband and wife reconciling after obtaining a divorce from a non-Muslim court

Q: I was married to a man in Canada and lived with him for many years. Unfortunately, we had many problems and fights, until I left him and returned to my country of Bangladesh.

My husband did not want to divorce me, so I obtained a divorce from the non-Muslim court.

A few years have passed since the court issued the divorce. I now want to reconcile with my ex-husband and remarry him.

My question is whether we need to repeat the nikaah or whether the nikaah is still intact, as the divorce was issued by the kaafir court and my husband did not want to divorce me.

Will divorce take place if a married man denies getting married?

Q: My husband married me without leaving his first wife and I didn't know at that time that he was married. After 1.6 years I got to know that he is married to another woman and didn't leave her even after marrying me.

In an incident he denied that I am married to him in front of his first wife. So my question is, am I still married to him or not as he denied about marrying me?

Divorce if a person said that they are not married

Q: During a general conversation (not a fight), my husband and I were talking about a degree recognition form that I was required to complete. This form required a character reference to be completed by another professional on my behalf.

My husband said that he would complete this for me. I then told him that family members could not complete the form, to which he replied something like "you can say you are not married".

When I told him it is wrong for him to say such a thing Islamically, he responded that he said this so that we avoid prolonging the process (as if I ticked the married box they would require a host of further information from him). He did not intend anything like divorce.

My question is does this count as a talaq of any kind?