Rights of servants

Refraining from obeying parents in matters that are against Shariah

Q: I do shar’ee purdah covering all the parts of my body except my eyes, Alhamdulilah. I avoid the company of ghair mahrams to the best of my ability... But my parents are not at all happy with this, especially covering my face and wearing only black clothes (abaya). They feel ashamed about it and also compel me to come in front of ghair mahrams e.g., servants, masu, pufoo, etc. without the niqaab.

My mother especially, constantly keeps rebuking me and saying that by doing such I am hurting her and disobeying her and that she feels embarrassed by my entire black niqaab and attire... and by hurting her I will never stay at peace through my life and so on.

As far as I am concerned I know that if I am disobedient to Allah, I can never be obedient and loyal to anybody, be that my parents especially my mother. And respect and humiliation are both under the divine supremacy of Allah... I, in no way want to compromise to what my parents say just to please them or their social circle.

1. If I am wrong , please tell me what should I do?

2. And if I am right in disobeying and disrespecting/hurting my parents in this regard then I would request you to please give a piece of advice to my parents especially my mother.

Mother preventing son from wearing white kurta and imaamah

Q: What should I do if my mom doesn’t allow me to wear imaamah and white Shalwar Kameez (Sunnah attire). She only lets me wear it at home and the masjid and not if we go to any person’s house, the mall or anywhere else. Am I right in saying that I have to listen to her because listening to her is Fardh and wearing white and wearing imaamah is sunnah.

Parents taking child's money when they are in need

Q: My parents had given my brother some pocket money which he had collected and saved till it was 900. Then financial problems came and my parents took my brothers money and used it and my brother could not tell them anything. Now he demands for the money to be returned. My parents say that it was we who gave you the money, so there is no loan upon us. What should be done?

Not obeying one's parents in matters that go against Shariah

Q: I have alhamdulillah started doing shar'ee purda by covering my face, hands, feet etc. I have stopped talking to all ghair mahrams e.g, my classmates. But unfortunately my parents are not happy with this. They compel and force me to come infront of ghair mahrams like our servants and khalu, etc. I dont want to do this even at the cost of my life.

1.What should I do?

2.Is this be pardagi permissible in anyway?

Mother cursing daughter

Q: I have a best friend and when she was young her mother always used bad words or would curse her saying "Go and eat so and so pooh". Presently she feels that because her mother used these words, her life is miserable. She always struggles in life with work and even with her proposals. Whenever she gets a good proposal, it breaks up and she feels guilty because Allah Talla accepted her mothers curse. She even helped her mother whenever she was hospitalized and financially. What is the Islamic way how on how a daughter should be treated? What would be the status of the mother on the day of judgement and how can my friend overcome this situation? She always repents to Allah for these curses.