Rights of servants

Women working

Q: I am very depressed even though I pray salaah five times a day and sometimes I pray tahajud too. I read Quraan 3 or 4 times a day. I think that I am disobedient towards my parents...

My mother always wants me to study but when I open my books I cant focus. Moreover I have applied for a job at the bank but when I open the books to study, thoughts come to my mind that it is haraam and Allah will punish me. My mother wants me to work and I am very depressed.

I make lots of dua and offer nafl prayers too. I ask Allah to help me so that no one will be displeased with me.

Please advice me so that I can come out of this depression.

Fulfilling the rights of people

Q: Despite being very careful and conscious with fellow humans that I don’t hurt anybody in anyway but still I feel guilt and look for instances in my past where I might have hurt somebody with my hand or tongue but there are always shortcomings intentional or unintentional.

My question is what if we did wrong to somebody in the past and don’t recall who it was or if it was minor or major. For example, abusing out of anger if someone hit your car what will be the punishment or how to repent to Allah Ta'ala as I read that Allah Ta'ala will not forgive such and such violations of huqooqul ibaad. These thoughts are disturbing me and it's becoming hard for me to be a productive Muslim because of these distressing thoughts that I will burn in hell whatever good I do.

Even though there were many examples where people did wrong to me but I didn't take any action rather let them go. I must have done bad deeds too but not too sure when and where. I feel distressed and hopeless trying to be so perfect where people don’t even bother much and they are still happier.

Moreover I start to fear death at times and what will happen after that etc and my mood is depressed a lot of times please suggest me what should I recite and hope for the mercy of Allah.

Should one go abroad to work or serve his aged parents?

Q: My parents are aged. MashaAllah both are alive. My father is in 80’s and my mother is in 70’s. I’m the youngest child and my age is 25 years. I’m a resident of Pakistan and I've got admission in Ireland.

If I talk about the opportunity, it has a bright scope in future to move to Ireland. If I talk about my parents relationship then I’m in a doubt whether I’m missing the opportunity to live with my parents in their old age.

I seek your guidance whether to go to Ireland or continue to live with my parents in the light of the Holy Quran and the teachings of Nabi Muhammad (sallalaho alaihi wasallam) so that my heart could feel relief and I could further take a decision.

Obeying one's parents

Q: Who makes decisions for a child after the age of 13/14? If it is the child who makes the decision, then what will happen to the parents if they forcefully make the child do otherwise and likewise if the parents make the decisions and the child does not obey?