Rights of parents

The rights of a foster mother

Q: Firstly, when a relation of a milk mother (foster mother) or "Razaat" is established through breastfeeding a child, is this status of a mother given to the breastfeeding woman because of respect only and can she be regarded as a step mother?

Secondly, does this status of milk mother make her equivalent to a biological mother in terms of rights and all aspects which a biological mother has.

Listening to one's mother


1. My mom is very innocent and sometimes takes decisions of some things which has more problems than solutions for us. When she tells me to do something then I do it because Allah says we have to obey our parents. Sometimes Abbu also shouts at me as to why am I doing such things. What should I do? Can I deny my mom or should I obey her?

2. People know that I listen to my mother, whenever and whatever work people want from me, they go directly to my mother and convince her and then my mother orders me to do that work. Sometimes I hate doing that work. Is there any chance of me denying my mom in these situations? 

Listening to one's father

Q: A person has a cat. He and his family love the cat. But the person’s father does not like him to keep the cat and he says to the person that he should not keep the cat. But the person and his family are so attached to the cat. They do not want to give the cat to anyone. The thought of staying without the cat makes them cry. So can the person keep the cat? If the person does not listen to his father’s advice because listening to his father’s this advice will emotionally hurt his family a lot, then is he sinning?

Father demanding his married daughter to bath and massage him

Q: My wife's father demands from her to massage him and bath him while he is just wearing bermuda type shorts. He ignores her condition or tiredness. I want to know if it is allowed for him to demand this service from her? Am I justified forbidding her to do so? He lives in another city and keeps on insisting for her to come there, totally ignorant of the fact that she has a job and kids to look after. Now he is demanding to move in with her just for the reason that she may serve him like that. He has a wife who is my wife's step mother. I do not like her massaging or bathing him in his semi nude condition, but my wife said that its a culture of their country.

Respecting one's mother

Q: How does one deal with ones mother who has chosen to marry for the 4th time?

Being married, my husband and myself are constantly fighting because he is disgraced that my mother has taken another husband (the man is a sheikh). My husband worries that because my mother has not received blessing from her children or her mother, therefore she is doomed to fail in her marriage. Is it correct to feel anger towards ones mother and is it correct of my husband to show any disrespect to her if he does not agree with her choice? I feel as if I have to choose between my husband and my mother?