Rights of parents

Respecting one's parents and overlook their shortcomings

Q: I am a divorcee but I gathered my strength to marry again without asking opinion of my parents but they were there for my marriage and became wakil also but this marriage did not last long. Allah knows best even though I looked for deen in the partner but my main problem is my parents abusing me calling me a person of low character because according to them a divorcee shouldn't marry. I work for my livelihood I go out of the house even though I haven't committed any affairs my parents are accusing me of such things and cursing me. This has upset me they attribute bad things happening in my life that I have committed sins and it is wrath of Allah on me. I don't know how to deal with my parents because Allah has ordered for respecting and being dutiful them I want to ask have parents got the right to abuse and curse their children without any proof accuse of sins.

Fulfilling the rights of one's father

Q: We have been married for 42 years. Her father objected and still to this day refuses to speak to me despite me extending my hand many times. He did not attend the weddings of our children even though they went to ask him personally. My wife recently went to meet him against my wishes - she says she has a right because it's her father, is this allowed?

Living separately


1. What is the ruling on separate living for a married son with his wife from his parents, given that the son is the only male child and the couple had undergone love marriage?

2. To whom are the duties and responsibilities of a married man more, his wife, children or unmarried siblings?

3. If a married daughter is not permitted by her husband to visit her parents provided that her parents dont have a male child, what can she do?

4. For a working married lady whose parents have no male child and source of earning, is she required to give some share of her salary towards parents despite the fact that her husband is not willing to do so?

Respecting one's mother

Q: I have an 83 year old mother... She is terribly anti Deen and this infuriates me so I raise my voice to her and just today I said to her even though she is my mother "an enemy of Allah Ta'ala is an enemy of mine". She speaks the most despicable things about Deen and I dont know how to manage the situation anymore. We do read our Salaat and do all thats required of us as Muslims and its as if she waits for me to stand on my musalla then she performs even more by walking about the house screaming for me. Please advise.

Serving one's mother

Q: I am the only child left from three siblings. 6 years ago my wife any myself made a decision to move from Cape Town to Gauteng along with our 3 kids. They are aged now 14, 8, 9. My dad passed on two weeks ago which is leaving my mom alone in Cape Town she is disable and not working. I want to know what does Almighty Allah and the Quran order me to do as my wife is refusing to move back to Cape Town and I want to move as I am not happy in Gauteng in any case. I want to move back to look after my mom. She needs me. In my view a wife is replaceable but my mom not. My wife and myself don’t have a “healthy” marriage in either case. Help me I do not know what to do I cannot sleep or concentrate nor do I eat. This is eating me up.

Hatred for one's mother

Q: Will I be cursed or saved from some difficulties in life if I can't forgive my mother? She already passed away several years ago but still I can't forget those times when she was alive that she never made me feel that she loved me, what I felt and feel right now is still HATRED from her, I'm even kind of happy when she passed away because she never made me happy, she always scolded me and more, I have 5 siblings and what she treat others is not the same on how she treated me. It's unfair for me and that's one of the reasons why I felt hatred for her. What I always heard about Islamic lectures is forgive your parents, love your parents especially your mother.