Interest and Gambling

Disposing of interest money from different bank accounts

Q: I have 5 bank accounts in india and all are giving interest on my deposited money. when i got interest i will write in my diary date and amount and after all banks have given interest i will add and sent all the amount to charity like patient or orphan for education etc. but this amount i will sent from one bank. my question is my method do doing interest money is correct or shall i withdraw cash from each bank separtely and pay for charity. please expplain the right method of interest payment.

Life insurance payout

Q: Old Mutual life insurance investment funds.

1. If the family gets paid out from such an investment, will it be permissible for them to use that money?

2. If not, can it be given to a family member legible for zakaat or to pay Sars, fines etc.

Examination fees

Q: I am an accounting student and have little concern with regards to the system we make our payments and possibility of any interest involved in the payments. Our payments include the examination fee payed few days before the examination session and an annual subscription fee to remain an active student.

Firstly, the examination payments can be made in three periods. The earliest the payment made, the lowest would be the payment. However, sometimes due to late examination decisions the early payment period passes by and we have to make standard payment that is higher than early payment. Is the difference between the early and standard fee considered as interest? I have heard that all penalties arising due to late payment are haram and therefore the higher amount payed as a result of not being able to pay in the early period for some reason a kind of penalty. It is also possible that the extra amount is to encourage most students to make payment as early as possible.

Second, I have heard that the annual subscription payed every year to remain an active student involves interest. Is that true? This would be a lifetime payment even after I qualify to remain an active member. Does it involve any kind of interest or penalty?


Q: I have an Islamic account with FNB and I receive ebucks for every time I swipe my card or buy things online. Please advise if I would be able to use these ebucks?

Bank related questions


1. I have a question regarding banking. If the bank gives you $200 credit in your account for opening a new account and then charges $35.00 for bank fees every month. Is it permissible to use that $200 to pay their fees? If not, what is the correct approach to take? Should a person try to refuse taking that money or take it and give it to Sadaqah without intention of sawab? 

2. If the bank offers you a free service such as a safety deposit box for having a certain type of account is it permissible to take advantage of that? 

3. Also, is it permissible to use points earned on credit card spending to pay fines, speeding tickets, taxes etc?

4. If a person forgets to make a payment and the credit card company charges a late fee or interest. Is it permissible to use the point to pay for such fees?