Interest and Gambling

Interest money

Q: I have some bank interest money. Can I give it to my real brother because he is not financially strong and he is living with me with his family? We are unable to live together anymore and does not have any source of income. He does not have his own house. According to his condition, please guide us.

Helping a poor Muslim with interest money

Q: A Muslim brother is in very deep debt. He doesn't have medical aid and his wife, son and daughter were hospitalised on different occasions. Different years. Also, she bought stuff using the credit card or store cards when she was down. He had to take out loans from 3 different banks as his salary each month could not help with the payment. He has since sold his car, clothing and whatever he had after they divorced. He is battling with child maintenance and is under debt review. He is zakaatable and by the time he gets paid and does all his monthly payments, he is left with hardly any money for food and lights. Its the interest that is killing him. Yes, interest is haram, but he fell into this cycle not purposely. Can we give him our interest money to help pay off his debts?