Insurance and Medical aid

Taking out third party insurance to get accredited to repair vehicles

Q: I have a workshop where I repair vehicles. In order for me to be accredited I have to take out a third party insurance in case any customer's vehicles get damaged at my workshop. If I do not take out this third-party insurance, I will not get accreditation.

Is it permissible for me to take out this third-party insurance?

Claiming from insurance more than the damaged amount

Q: Scenario:

I met up in an accident some time ago. The back bumper and other parts were damaged. I then met up in a second accident and, the car was damaged at the same place before I got it fixed. The person with the second accident has insurance.

So will it be permissible for me to claim the complete cost of it and not tell them that the car was in an accident before. If I do tell them that the car was in an accident before, the insurance company will not pay anything for the damaged.

Will it be permissible for me not to tell them and claim the entire amount from them?

Shar’ee solution to medical aid schemes

Q: Based on the Sharee solution at the end of this answer: , if the money is paid to the hospital or doctor directly monthly, and after one or two months, a service needs to be rendered that exceeds the amount the customer/patient has paid the doctor or hospital to-date, will that also be regarded as interest, or will it be acceptable due to it being a service received and not money?

The Islamic ruling regarding Takaaful Insurance

Q: I wish to enquire regarding a new type of insurance called Takaaful. Is this new type of insurance permissible in Islam? Does Islam allow one to insure his house or car etc.?

I was always under the impression that all types of insurance are haraam.  However, I have been told that Takaaful insurance is quite different to conventional insurance as it is a waqf that one is investing in and by taking out this type of insurance, one will perpetually be gaining reward.

Courier company providing insurance for lost or damaged parcels as part of their service

Q: A person shipped an item with a courier, only paying for the courier service without any additional insurance fees. The courier company does however provide insurance for lost or damaged parcels as part of their service.

A parcel was lost and the courier company offered to pay out the value of the item, subject to one filling out a claim form. Will it be permissible to make this claim and recieve the payment of the value of the lost item?

Paying a monthly levy that includes insurance

Q: Over the past years, I have saved sufficient money that would allow me to purchase a small apartment. Whilst negotiating I noticed that the monthly levy that I will pay is used to cover the insurance of the apartment and cannot be removed.

1. Am I allowed to purchase this property and make the monthly levy payments?

2. If it is permissible for me to purchase, live in the apartment and make the levy payments, would I be allowed to make claims against the insurance for items covered by them like, burst geyser, etc.?