Women's Issues

Going out to work during iddat

Q: My husband has given me divorce in writing. He isn't giving me any maintenance. I have to work to support my son. What are the rules for iddah:

1. Can I work in the daytime?

2. What about other rules of iddah?

3. My husband says that he now regrets. Can he remarry in iddah/after iddah? Please give the procedure.

Working during iddat

Q: My husband has given me papers... He wrote I divorce you Talak Talak Talak... then in one line again I divorce you... How many divorces does it count?

He isn't giving any money... Can I work in a school during iddah as we were separated since a year?

Woman experiencing bleeding within 15 days after haidh

Q: Mufti Saheb is this correct:

1. A female bled for seven days. Her habit is usually 9 days. She again bleeds within fifteen days. She will count nine days as haidh from the first day of bleeding.

2. If she bleeds for one or two days, and then bleeds again AFTER ten clean days have passed (from the first day of bleeding) when must she count haidh from? (Will eight days be counted as haidh from the first bleeding day and the second actual bleeding will be istihaadha?

3. Will it change if she bleeds after staying clean for fifteen days?)