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Women going to the masjid to attend masjid programs

Q: I am a member of a Musjid committee. My question is about the ladies facility at the Musjid. 

Some committee members feel that we must invite the sisters to attend some Musjid programs, especially which take place on special occasions and in Ramadhaan, in the separate ladies facility at the Musjid. There is no intermingling in the Musjid. These programs may also include meals served to them. 

Other committee members are of the view that this must be avoided. 

Please advise which is the correct policy to adopt in this issue.

Women visiting Islamic historic sites

Q: When a person goes for Umrah, or makes ziyarat of Masjid Aqsa, visits Jordan, etc. and there are graveyards like Jannatul Baqee etc. should women folk also visit the graveyards from maybe outside?

Also, in Badr, a person takes the name of the Shuhada of Badr and makes Dua etc. So should women visit the qabrastan from outside and convey salaams to Sahabah (radhiyallahu anhum) or should they stay away. Visiting quboor even In these blessed places..

Women attending Deeni programmes

Q: In Durban, there are certain programs that are being scheduled to take place. These programs are being promoted by an organization and the programs will be conducted by a female. They are currently inviting women to two different programs.

The first program is for ladies above the age of 18 and the second program is for young girls between the ages of 12 and 17.

Is this method of educating women conforming to the sunnah where they are being invited to come to a hall and will be addressed by a certain haafiza? Is it in keeping with the sunnah for a female to be conducting such programs? Should we send our daughters for such a program?