Women's Issues

Fear of wearing hijaab in public

Q: I’m scared of wearing my hijab in public now. I have never been forced to wear it, and I loved wearing it for the past 6 years and still do alhumdullilah.

However, there are high risks of attacks on hijabi girls. There are more and more attacks happening and my fear is growing. I am not scared of the people attacking, nor am I scared of showing my religion of Islam. I am scared of getting hurt, being hospitalised or even dying. I have been told to keep faith in Allah and nothing will happen to me. I am keeping my faith in Allah, I am making dua to keep me safe. But what if something bad does happen? I haven’t personally been attacked yet but people around me have, what if I’m the next victim? I live in a town where there are so many racists and I mind my own business, but sometimes it’s hard to do that. I will obviously come back to wearing my hijab but not whilst I’m living in my current town. What should I do?

Is greenish discharge considered haidh?


1. Is greenish discharge during haidh also considered as blood?

2. I’m in haidh. Today, whilst using the toilet, a lot of discharge came out and I wasn’t aware (as didn’t feel its release) until I wiped and saw discoloured discharge on my tissue. After washing and wiping, myself, towards the end I decided to wipe against my private area once more and I saw a small amount of dampness and i think a small amount of clear discharge. (I’ve read that discoloured discharge thats considered haidh doesn’t have to be completely discoloured, it can be mixed with both clear and coloured discharge.) I didn’t feel the release of this discharge and I’ve made the assumption that it could be leftover of the discoloured discharge I got a few minutes earlier that I forgot to wipe off. Was this okay of me to assume?

Spotting before the 15th day of tuhr

Q: For many months I have been spotting every month before 15 days finished. As such I was counting the beginning of my haidh from 15 days. But the spotting continued for the first few days sometimes upto 4/6 days into my haidh. Then only would the bleeding properly start but would thereafter finish after 10 days. So the few days I ws bleeding after 10 days I was counting as it as istihaadha. This continued for about 6 months.

Then I had 2 regular haidh cycles (without spotting in between and remaining within 10 days). Then the problem began again for the last 3-4 months. This current haidh I have been spotting since the 8th day of tuhr. After 15 days the spotting, I kept starting and stopping in bigger patches but the flow did not start. On the 10th day the blood flow began properly and I started having a normal haidh period. I had ghusl on the same day and began salaah even though I am still bleeding heavily.

Questions: How should I calculate my haidh? Which days will be haidh and which will be istihaadhah?

If a similar thing happens again or happens often how should I calculateit ?

Is there any amal I can do that can help regulate my haidh?