Women's Issues

Seeing brown discharge after the days of haidh

Q: My last haiz (or what I considered my haiz) was June 28 - July 4 and remained a brown colour throughout. It looked like discharge and for 1 or 2 days had red streaks of blood. Then it continued as brown discharge/ blood , im not sure. Today (July 15) I have got the same brown discharge / blood. But I have not had a 15 day gap of purity so I have continued to pray as I think I have istihaza.

1. Am I right in thinking I should be praying now?

2. Should I have prayed during the first time I experienced the brown discharge / blood

3. I have read online that there must be a 15 day or 10 day gap of purity - I would like to know where the evidence for this is.

4. I also heard the ruling for istihazah is to clean with instinja, I do this but still blood remains, so I pray anyways. Is my prayer valid or must I repeat them once I am pure? 

Woman bleeding more than ten days

Q: I am very confused as to when I should be praying again after menses. My bleeding goes beyond 10 days every month. It doesn't stop. I sometimes see yellow discharge. I see only little traces of blood and not a proper flow. I also sometimes see water looking liquid which I am unsure to whether it is discharge or sweat or water. do I follow the rules of ishtihada and start praying after 10 days or do I resume prayer earlier? If I made a mistake and was unsure about when I should start praying, do I need to make the prayers up?