Women's Issues

Husband taking back jewellery that was given to the wife

Q: I wanted to ask that my husband divorced me after my mother in law passed. I have a baby girl in this marriage. My sister in law and my husband took away whatever jewellery my mother in law gave me at my wedding. I have a two and a half year old baby girl. Please tell me if it is right in Islam to give something and take it back because at the time my mother in law gave me the jewellery she said it's yours. The jewellery was with me in my cupboard since the day I got married and when I went to take my belongings from my husbands house, they asked me to give me whatever gold jewellery my mother in law gave me because my husband said that if I don't give the gold jewellery, he will not give me a single rupee for my baby's expenses.

Seeing yellow discharge on the last days of haidh


1. After reading several questions on your site regarding haidh, I learned that yellow discharge on the last days of haidh would be considered haidh. Before, I was completely unaware of this, and since the yellow discharge during the last days of haidh looks exactly like the discharge I get in normal days, I used to take a shower and start performing salaahs while having yellow discharge. So sometimes I would take a shower and start salaahs while experiencing this discharge, and when discharge would stop, I would keep performing salaah without taking a shower again. Do I have to repeat such saalahs?

2. Since performing salaah without wudhoo is kufr, and although I did perform wudhoo but failed to shower after yellow discharge, would my salaah fall under this kufr category?

3. Someone questioned how often we should check our discharge during the last days of haidh, since we want to know the exact time we are paak so we can start performing salaahs. In response to this, another person said that if during the last days of haidh, if someone has haidh in the morning, then she will be considered to have haidh the whole day. Is this true, or do we have to keep checking after every few hours?

4. During the last days of haidh, in the mornings there is no discharge at all, sometimes even for a few hours after waking up. My habit is that usually on the seventh day I am paak. This time, I checked at night on the seventh day, and I still had some discharge. I was afraid that I might get paak later at night and miss my Fajr saalah of the eighth day, so I set an alarm for about 3:40 AM. But since after sleeping I don't experience any discharge during the last days, at 3:40 AM when I checked I was clean, so I took a shower and prayed Isha and then later Fajr. Later that day I checked and I still had a faint colored discharge. This process continued the next day: In the morning after sleeping, I was clean, but later in the day I was not. In such cases during the last days of haidh, should I continue taking a shower in the morning and praying, despite knowing that after sleeping I see no discharge and later in the day I might?

Woman's haidh pattern changing

Q: A woman's haidh generally lasts for 7 days. However, last month, her haidh was for the full 10 days.

1. In this month, if she stopped bleeding after 7 days, is it permissible for her to have relations with her husband?

2. During haidh, what part of the wife's body can the husband take enjoyment from ?

Reverting to one's old habit of haidh

Q: I am writing as I am very confused regarding my Haidh. Before giving birth, my Haidh lasted a week. I had my baby via C-section on 3rd Jan 2017. Bled for 40 days. After that, I considered it Istihaadhah and started reading Salaah. On 22 Feb 2017, I started bleeding again, this time like my normal Haidh. But because there was not a 15 day clean period in between, I continued Salaah. I stopped reading once the 15 days from Nifaas was up and then only considered it a period. The bleeding ended on 9 March 2017. On 19 March 2017, bleeding started. This time also exactly like my Haidh but because 15 days in between hasn't passed, I'm confused. Since the first period after Nifaas wasn't after 15 days of cleanliness, all future calculations are going off. Please advise as I know this is Haidh bleeding but have to continue Salaah each time. Jazaakallah.