Women's Issues

Iddat after khula

Q: I am about to get khula from my husband. We have been living separate for the past two years and we havn't met for the last six months. How many days of iddah is applied on me? I am a working woman, do I need to quit my job?

Irregular bleeding

Q: How should a woman determine when to start praying after her menses? For example, if she has discharge for 3 days only so should she start praying after 3 days or she has to wait up to 6 or 7 days. What should she do if she thinks she has finished her menses and starts praying and then later she sees more blood or a brown discharge?


Q: I want to ask question about iddat. My sisters husband passed away and she is on iddat.I want to know about the rules of iddat, what to do and what not. Here all are saying to be inside her house without meeting anyone and should cover mirrors and wear only white clothes. She has 3 children who go to school and others have to be there to take up her duty on her children. Please clarify my doubts.

Wearing niqaab with decorations


1) Are women allowed to wear niqaab with long flaps and also have decorations on it?

2) Is it permissible to get a piercings on the top part of your ear?

3) If a burqa I've been performing salaah with is only see through in the sun, will salaah be permissible and do I have to make qadha of the salaahs that were performed?

4) Is is correct for women to walk a distance to attend the weekly community ta'leem?

Living in a country that bans Hijaab


1. Can a Muslim live in a country that bans Hijaab in public (Like France).

2. According to Sheikh Awlaki, a Muslim cannot live in a non-Muslim country unless the person is involved in: - Propagating Islam, and practices it freely - Doing business - Seeking knowledge The above are short term interventions, but a Muslim cannot live there forever. Is this correct?

3. Is it true that a Muslim ruler cannot permit the propagation of any other religion other than Islam? Further, temples should be destroyed by a Muslim ruler?

The status of purda and niqaab

Q: I would like to know is niqaab something that is really mandatory for Muslim women to wear. As an example doing three rakaats at fajr instead of two is not allowed just because you want to be more religious, same way isn't wearing more than hijab not allowed, because Allah said in the Qur'an, cover everything except your face and hands, so niqaab doesn't fall into that category. Because the whole point of hijab as well is not to get any attention, but the place I live niqaab would give you so much attention, people are scared of it and not only European countries, even most Muslim countries think that, like Lebanon and Turkey etc. that niqaab is something that is seen as extremists would wear. It's dark and overall isn't black color something that Islam disliked wearing? Like all the gothic, witches, emo style satanic people wear. And also Nowdays it's important for people to see each others faces, it's the obvious part of you that identifies you and if people can't see you, it makes them scared. So many Hadith have been changed nowadays, and I honestly believe that hijab with proper jilbab and all is enough and more could be not accepted just as three rakaats at fajr isn't accepted.