
Putting on one's ihraam before passing the miqaat

Q: My friend is travelling for Umrah next week. He will land to Jeddah, from there he will travel to Makkah without making Ihraam and making Niyyat of Umrah. From the hotel after checking in he will go to Masjid-e-Ayesha with the niyyat of umrah and from there he will wear ihraam and will perform Umrah. Is it ok or is it mandatory that he has to make the niyyat from Jeddah?

Purda in ihraam

Q: Kindly advise us about ihram purdah. We are leaving for umrah in one days time and really in need of naseehat as some people who are studying deen advise that the sin is great if purdah touches the face, so rather not wear. Whilst another person who frequents haram sharief says that ihraam purdah was only introduced recently by the conserved Indian ulama and yet another apaa says that wear a normal purdah and pay dum.We want to wear the ihraam purdah. What is the dum? And can we please be advised regarding purdah in Haram Sharief whilst in ihraam?

Purdah in Ihraam

Q: My mother requests a fatwa to show some women regarding the purdah in ihram, explaining:

1. The cloth should not touch the face

2. Purdah has to be observed from ghayr mahrams.

There is a misconception amongst some women who, throughout the year observe purda, اَلْحَمْدُ لِلّه, but due to a certain aalim's wife informing them that purdah is not necessary in ihraam, they discard it during umrah. She also would like to find out from Hazrat that:

3. Is wearing a normal purdah intentionally a major sin?

4. Would this also be the case if out of circumstances, since due to her eyesight, she cannot see with the cap purdah clearly?

5. What would be the penalty if the cap purdah unintentionally touches the face?

Passing the miqaat without ihraam

Q: I went for quiet a few umrahs and in one of them, I cannot remember which one. The following occurred: Due to the fact that I cannot remember which umrah it was, I cannot remember where I read my Salaatul Ihraam. Along the way from Madinah Shareef to Makkah Shareef thinking that the Meeqaat is far ahead, I intended to postpone my intention for Ihraam, and I passed the miqaat without intention for Ihraam, and I cannot remember if I passed the Miqaat with my hat on my head or not, and I also cannot remember if I made my niyyat with talbiyah for Ihraam later on or I made my umrah without the niyyat for Ihraam. What should I do. I am going for Umrah in the coming Ramadan (Insha Allah).

Woman covering her face in ihraam

Q: A female scholar in Masjid Nabwi told my wife that it is permissible to cover the face while doing Umrah and that there is no proof for covering the face while doing umrah. She followed her instruction and did umrah while her face was covered with niqaab. Was the female scholar correct? Does my wife have to pay any type of compensation?