
Entering Makkah without Ihraam

Q: I once performed umrah when I just became baaligh. My grandparents and I entered Makkah without being in Ihraam and also I did not wear proper shoes in Ihraam. However, all of this was done unknowingly, as I had not yet been taught that. Should I still pay a dam and what should one do if one cannot afford a dam?

Wearing underwear under the ihraam for medical reasons

Q: Recently I underwent and operation for hydrocele in India and came back to jeddah and Joined duty. Now I want to perform umrah, but the problem is I have to wear ihraam towel as per quran and sunnah. Now my question is can I wear underwear under the ihraam otherwise I will feel pain for tawaaf and sa'ai and may cause complications. So please advise me according to quran and sunnah what shall I do?

Covering the head in the state of Ihraam

Q: My question is regarding dam (penalty) at hajj. On a few occasions during ihram I covered my head with a towel but took it off after I realize that this is against the rules of ihram but it was unintentionally. I asked a maulana about this and he said its ok. Also, during sleep I had my head covered with a towel for I don't know how long and when I woke up, I realized that it was on and took it off right away. Once again, this was unintentional, so I asked the maulana again and he said its ok but just give dam just in case.