
Passing the meeqaat with the intention of performing umrah without tying ihraam

Q: 3 weeks ago I came from Pakistan to Riyadh. Now I went from Riyadh to Jeddah to my brothers house but I didn't wear ihram and I didn't take any niyyat for Umrah. I was thinking that I will go for Umrah after 3-4 days. But now my father says that I have to give damm (penalty) because I supposed to go for Umrah first. I am in confusion about this issue.

Performing hajj and tawaaf with impurity on one's ihraam and clothes

Q: In the days of hajj days, 8, 9, 10 Zul Hijjah, if there is impurity/najasat (urine drops and semen) on the ihraam but the body is clean with valid wudhu, and later while performing tawaf e ziyarat there is impurity/najasat (urine drops and semen) on the clothes, but the body is clean with valid wudhu, will the hajj be valid or not?

Going from Taif to Musjid ul Haraam without performing umrah

Q: I am living in Taif for work purposes. I frequently go for Umrah from Taif, however sometimes I go to Musjid ul Haraam to perform salaah such as the Jumuah salaah.

I have recently been told that it is not permissible to go to Musjid ul Haraam just to perform salaah as respect of the Haram demands that we wear ihraam and perform Umrah before entering. Can you please clarify if it is permissible for me to go to Musjid ul Haraam just to perform salaah without performing Umrah?