
Observing strict purda with all non-mahrams

Q: In my dream I am walking with my deceased mother we are then joined by my deceased ex-husband. He looks worried and turns to face me and requests "I need to speak to you?" I replied angrily " We have nothing to discuss, you had your chance!" My mother walks towards a table where family members (living members) she peers around then turns to my ex husband and tells him there is place at the table we are going to sit at (apparently I was there together with her and we were to sit together and joining family members) I didn't like the idea of my ex husband joining us. So I told my mother is she is allowing him to be seated with us then I am not going to join them. I then turn away from them and walk out.

Dreaming of pork

Q: I want to ask one question about my dream. It is very urgent. I am very disappointed today. My question is that from last one year I am seeing in my dream the meat of pig. I am very upset. When I see that I feel like someone is trying to eat that meat and the worst thing is that I feel the very bad smell of that thing in my dream. It seems like I will die of that dirty smell. Please help me. I am working with International BPO and I am living with an old Christian man from the last six years.


Q: I had a dream where there was a cat in the house. The dastharkhan was laid with five bread buns. The cat was eating from the bread. Not far from the cat was a small monkey.


Q: Before I went to sleep I asked Allah Ta'ala to show me what my future wife would look like. In the dream I was in a mosque and people were praying the night prayer. A girl walked up to me and she had something in her eye. So I blew it out. Afterwards we embraced one another.

Istikhaara for marriage

Q: I did istikhaara for marriage and in my dream I found that he (the person I am getting married to) and myself are writing an exam and in the dream I was searching for him in the exam hall and finally found him and I guess it was raining too.

Snakes crawling on one's head in a dream

Q: I had a very disturbing dream were I can see two very large snakes in a transparent jar. My small daughter is holding the head of the snake to keep it away from biting, when suddenly I can see one snake is crawling up my husband's head and is on top of his head. With this fright I awoke but am still troubled with such a dream. I am aware that snakes are bad in a dream and I have been reading a lot but I need to know what is the meaning of my dream especially that snake crawls over my husband's head?

Dreaming of Janaazahs

Q: I want to know the tabeer of my dream. I saw a janazah of Muslims three times on the road side in my dreams. First time I saw the janazah of many men and second time of one woman and third of one man. Please tell me the tabeer of this dream.