
Musaafir performing four rakaats Esha Salaah in Muzdalifah

Q: A musafir offers 4 rakats Isha namaz after Maghrib salah at muzdalifa behind an imam who offered only 2 rakats (not sure if he was musafir or muqeem as few people offer qasr even muqeem) due to confusion but later once he comes to know, he offers 2 rakats Isha namaz alone. Is the namaz okay or not?

Note: He offered the sunnat and witr after the 2 rakats of Isha salah.

Leaving Muzdalifah before wuqoof

Q: A friend and his family were not able to stay in muzdalifah on Youm-u-nahar in between fajar to tuloo', not even for 5 mins as they were forced to leave muzdalifah @12:30 (at night) as they were having toddlers and womenfolk with them, so they were not able to offer fajr namaz there in muzdalifah.

One mufti sb told that they should have left the women in mina and came back for wuqoof in muzdalifah, hence they have to offer damm. Another mufti sb told that there is no need for damm. Both are great Deobandi mufti's. What should they do?

Haji leaving Muzdalifah before the time of fajr sets in

Q: I recently went for Hajj alhamdulillah and I benefited a lot from the audio bayaans of Maulana Saleem Dhorat sahib and also a guide to Hajj booklet by Maulana. May Allah Ta'ala reward him abundantly aameen. It so happened that when we got to Muzdalifah, and after performing our maghrib and Esha prayers, we had something to eat and slept. Our group leader told us to get ready to move and we left Muzdalifah for Mina before Fajr. I was the only Hanafi. I had no alternative but to follow. So as I missed the wuquf from Fajr onwards, is dam wajib on me?