Zikr & Dua

Doing zikr collectively in chorus in the masjid

Q: In our musjid they recite a heart touching zikar after every fajr which goes like 'la Ila ilallah kareemus sataar,la ilah illah wahidul kahaar... they continue chanting different names/powers of Allah SWT in a definite order. I want to memorise it but can't find it on Google or YouTube because I don't know the name of this particular zikr.

Can you please tell me the name of this zikr so I can find this online.

Dua to be recited by the newly wed spouses on the first night

Q: I would like to know about the prayer that the bridegroom and bride pray together after nikah and before consuming their marriage. How is it performed and why? I will be getting married soon and have heard about this from an old person and he has not been able to give me more details. All the others to whom I have asked, no one knows about it.

Authenticity on some benefits of reciting Durood on Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)

Q: Is this correct? Is it permissible to forward to others?

40 Benefits of Sending Salah Upon the Prophet (ﷺ)

1. Following the command of Allah.
2. Conformity with Allah sending blessing upon him.
3. Conformity with the angels sending blessings.
4. Receive 10 blessings from Allah.
5. Ten levels are raised for the servant.
6. Ten good deeds are written for the servant.
7. Ten sins are erased from the servant.
8. Du’ā’ is accepted if preceded with salāh on the Prophet
ﷺ. 9. Intercession of the Prophet
ﷺ. 10. A means for forgiveness of sins.
11. Allah will suffice the servant.
12. Closeness to the Prophet ﷺ on the Day of Judgement.
13. Reward of charity.
14. A means of the fulfilment of your needs.
15. Allah and His angels send blessings upon the servant.
16. A means of cleansing and purification.
17. Glad tidings of Paradise before death.
18. Protection from the terrors of the Day of Judgement.
19. The Prophet ﷺ responds to him.
20. A means for the servant to remember what he has forgotten.
21. A means of blessings on the gathering and lack of regret on the Day of Judgement.
22. A means to repel poverty.
23. It repels the description of being a miser.
24. Protection from the Prophet’s ﷺ curse.
25. Leads to the path towards Paradise.
26. A protection from the stench of a gathering where Allah and His Prophet ﷺ are not mentioned.
27. It completes speech, after Allah’s praise.
28. Abundance of light on the Sirāt.
29. Protection from hardness of the heart.
30. Allah bestows favourable praise upon the servant.
31. A source of blessings for the servant himself.
32. A means of receiving Allah’s mercy.
33. A means to continuously love the Prophet ﷺ.
34. A means of the Prophet ﷺ continuously loving the servant.
35. A means of guidance and a ‘living’ heart.
36. The servant’s name is presented to the Prophet ﷺ.
37. The servant’s feet will be firm on the Sirāt.
38. The servant fulfils a small portion of the Prophet’s ﷺ right.
39. Comprises gratitude to Allah.
40. It is a du’ā’.

Imām Ibn Al-Qayyim - [Jalā’ al-Afhām]

‏ٱللَّٰهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَىٰ مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَىٰ آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ