
Writing an essay about the Sahaabah as a captives of Badr

Q: I am in an Islamic institution and students were given a task to write an essay in the first point of view of a captive of Badr and the Sahaabahs treatment to them and the captives feelings and thoughts regarding the Sahaabah. Students were given creative freedom and encouraged to use their imagination, as accuracy was not the main focus of the task. However, a few concerns were brought to attention. 

Students were concerned that as they had to write in the point of view of a Kaafir, they would have to write unpleasant things about the Sahaabah and Islam. Another point of contention was that since it was purely fictional, they could make up stories about the Sahaabah and their treatment towards the captives, as well as the inaccurate living situations of the captives. Is this task permissible?

Listening to songs or watching videos wherein there are kufr statements


1. If someone goes to an Asian wedding wherein some of the songs playing at the event, there are one-two lines of kufr in the songs but the person doesn’t listen to the music with the intention of listening to kufr or enjoying kufr and he hates it in his heart, does this constitute kufr? 

2. Likewise with a movie, if you watch a movie and there’s a few lines of kufr or one or two scenes of kufr and someone doesn’t watch it with the intention of watching or listening to kufr and they hate it with their heart, does this constitute kufr?

Making statements against the weather

Q: I say bad things about the rains and winter that I don't like winter season and why is it raining now. Sometimes I say that I don't like this vegetable. Is this kufr?

After watching videos regarding kufr I struggle with everything that it might be kufr.

I met an Aalim and he told me that one with pure intentions speaks kufr and affirms on it is a kaaffir so don't worry about what is done unintentionally.

Saying words to overcome sadness and learning positive things from a person who practices shirk


1. I learnt a technique to help with sadness, this is how the technique works, you say a positive word very slowly, with intention this word will have a positive effect, is this permissible or its kufr?

2. Someone who practices shirk and kufr philosophy, would it be permissible to learn from him positive things that doesn’t have shirk and kufr? 

Playing games that contain blasphemy

Q: While playing video games, if the character we are playing utters or does something blasphemous, do we lose our imaan.

1. Does blasphemous talk involve Christians cursing too?

2. What is the definition of blasphemy?

3. What if while playing a game, I accidentally chose a character whose dialogue is known to have blasphemy in it. But, during the entire duration of the play, that character did not say any such thing. However, since I know that the character says such things in other instances of the game (even though those instances did not come when I was playing), I am now worried about my imaan.

Would my imaan be in danger because of this and will I have to redo my nikah?

Kufr and Shirk actions

Q: Do any of these constitute as SPECFICALLY SHIRK/KUFR (have I come out of the fold of Islam for these things):

1. Playing video games that have magic in them, voluntarily pressing buttons that make the character use magic?

2. Saving digital pictures/art online in a personal online account like Pinterest or Discord, using them as profile pictures or sending them to other people? (NOT producing/making them myself)

3. Watching videos of haraam stuff or people doing haraam stuff like playing a game, animated show, dancing, singing, drawing, or just of animate objects even if you do not believe that these are halaal actions or disallow shirk in your heart/mind?

4. Making up/imagining/daydreaming scenarios in your head where you have a completely different life as a non-muslim in a world without God, committing shirk or doing haraam things even if you would not do so in this life/reality and do not actually believe it in? Basically imagining myself imitating kufaars in another world because of a desire to mindlessly engage in worldly fun like other people where you wouldn’t be held accountable?

5. Enjoying viewing or talking about haraam stuff, like watching a dance and saying “it was a good dance” and NOT “dance is allowed in Islam” or like discussing what happened in a picture novel with people?

6. Talking casually with a kaafir online, not considered as a close friend, while making sure I do not engage with Shirk topics or explicitly encouraging their haraam ways/topics they bring up?