Listening to songs or watching videos wherein there are kufr statements


1. If someone goes to an Asian wedding wherein some of the songs playing at the event, there are one-two lines of kufr in the songs but the person doesn’t listen to the music with the intention of listening to kufr or enjoying kufr and he hates it in his heart, does this constitute kufr? 

2. Likewise with a movie, if you watch a movie and there’s a few lines of kufr or one or two scenes of kufr and someone doesn’t watch it with the intention of watching or listening to kufr and they hate it with their heart, does this constitute kufr?

A: This will not constitute kufr if one disgusts and hates what one is hearing. However, this is a very serious sin that one is committing through remaining in such a place where music is played, in which words of kufr are mentioned, or watching videos in which there are kufr statements being uttered. Through committing these major sins, one is risking one's imaan. One should immediately make taubah and refrain from these sins in the future. 

Note: Listening to all types of music, and watching all types of movies which contain animate objects, is haraam in Islam, regardless of whether there are kufr statements uttered in the songs or movie or not. In the case where kufr statements are uttered, the crime will be even more serious, and one can lose one's imaan through involving oneself in such grave sins.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
