Repenting from making a bad dua
Q: I repented from a bad Dua is it enough? It wouldn't happen now right? I am really depressed
Q: I repented from a bad Dua is it enough? It wouldn't happen now right? I am really depressed
Q: I have committed a lot of sins to the point where my life is on the line.
I heard a talk about if someone doesn't have enough good deeds to account for their bad deeds Allah takes it for their state like: making them lonely, taking away their salaah and imaan, etc. I am kinda in that state and I want to repent and make tawbah but I don't know how.
What dua do I make? Do I pray salaah like normal? Do I read specific durood? Are their specific steps? Do I need to make ghusal? What do I do?
Please give me a LOT of advice on how to repent and strengthen my imaan (e.g. duas ,extra prayers, etc.)
Q: What will happen if a person commits kufr but later forgets about it?
Secondly, if you get bad thoughts about Allah Ta'ala and you feel the sensestion of happiness about it but you know thats bad, is this kufr too?
Q: How do I overcome doubts regarding complete forgiveness for all my sins when I sincerely ask Allah for forgiveness for all my sins and how do I build my hope in the mercy of Allah?
Q: If someone has done repeatative sins and he is unable to repent and is feeling Allah's anger on him, what should he do?
Q: Will Allah forgive a murderer or rapist if he repented and the victim also forgave him? Will Shariah still punish him if no one knows about it? Will Allah punish him in the hereafter on the day of Qiyamat because he did not get punishment in this duniya and just repented to Allah, and the victim also forgave him?
Q: Can one ask for forgiveness from another human on the day of Mahshar if he could not do it in his life time in this world?
Q: I accidentally saw somebody in my family naked. Is it a major sin?
Q: What are the virtues for one who gives up sin for Allah's pleasure?
Q: I have a sin that troubles me alot like when I think of it my heart feels heavy. I have made tawbah and made a firm intention in my heart to never resort back to that sin. I'd like to know what's the signs of an accepted taubah?