Food and Drink

Eating from a Shia

Q: I work in an office as an accountant and there is a girl in the office who is a Shia. Sometimes she brings something from her house and gives all the staff to eat and she also eats herself. Some occassions she gives money to something to bring something for her to eat for herself and she also offers us (the staff) to eat.

So my question is, can a Muslim (Deobandi or Barailwi) eat when any Shia gives anything to eat whether cooked or brought from the shop (like chips, biscuits) etc. Is is permissible. I personally do not eat but other Muslims eat and she feels bad and says that I will not eat from Shias. Is it correct what I am doing?

Eating a chocolate with Christmas wrapping

Q: Mufti Saheb had said to avoid Easter eggs because of their relation to Easter. At the moment, quite a lot of sweets/chocolates and other things come in a Christmasish wrapping. Sometimes the thing itself is in a Christmas related shape. I have some chocolate that came in a firecracker wrapping which was given to me. It does not come in this wrapping during other times of the year. May I eat it?

Is smoking harmful?


1. Is smoking a cigarette haram and is consuming paan haram? As we know that smoking is the #1 preventable cause of death. I have been confused about smoking cigarettes. I have heard that its haram because it damages your health, it's a waste of money, and Allah says وَلاَ تُلْقُواْ بِأَيْدِيكُمْ إِلَى التَّهْلُكَةِ and smoking is literally destroying yourself. I have also heard its makrooh, so which one is it? Also about paan, it damages your health as my uncle has lost his teeth due to it.

2. How do you reply to someone who says that my death has already been written by Allah. A cigarette can't kill me faster or change my death date. What do you say to them?

Eating vegetables that are not washed and eating from utensils that are not washed

Q: What is the ruling for the following:

1. If someone cooked veges without washing them (veges might have some dirt like on it) and eatimg them, would this be halal?

2. If someone does not wash the cooking utensils and cooks in this way, would consuming the food prepared in those unwashed utensils be halal?

3. If roti is prepared on a 'tawa' which releases some of its black particles, when roti is heated over it, the black particles stick on the roti, will consuming the roti with those tawa black particles halal?

Prohibition of eating products that are offered to gods and idols

Q: I want to ask regarding prasad which Hindus etc. offer such as sweets, fruits etc. In the Quran I didn't know of any verse regarding prohibiting this. What I found is prohibition of eating their meat which is not halal. Can u tell me any evidence from Quran and Sunnah regarding prohibition of vegetarian products like sweets etc except meat or complete prohibition on all types?