Food and Drink

Consuming Halaal

Q: I am working away from home and staying in camp accommodation. I asked and confirmed from the manager of the mess about the meat. He said everything is halal.This camp is in Australia. Am I allowed to eat the meat?

Cordyceps sinensis

س: هل يجوز للمسلم أن يشرب (أو يأكل) هذا الشيء لزيادة القوة و الصحة؟ في الدول الشافعية (ماليزيا، إندونيسيا) - المكملات الغذائية بهذا الشيء  - عندهم شهادات حلال من علماء مذهب الشافعي في هذه الأمكنة (يعني من المؤسسات الدينية المحلية التي تشتغل بتقديم شهادات حلال)؛ و لكن أريد أن أدري رأي الحنفية. شكرا جزيلا (المكملات الغذائية - food supplements)

Attending the da'wat of someone whose major income is from haraam

Q: My question is that some of my relatives live in UK where they work in different sections such as the sale and making of Alcohol. They send their
income to Pakistan. That money they use for their house hold usage. Now they are getting their daughter married and when we go to meet her, we are invited for dinner. The problem is that is their income is halaal and we can eat food or other things from their home or not? Is it halaal for us, because we know about their income is from haram sources. In uk it is halal but in Pakistan it is Haraam?

Using marijuana

Q: I would like to know what the ruling behind use of marijuana is. Someone in my family believes it is halal and does it for stress relief and
general pleasure. One of his friends continues to provide it to him and I do not have any control on how to stop this. Please help me.