Food and Drink

Drinking non-alcoholic drinks

Q: Is it permissible to drink non-alcoholic drinks (0% alcohol) which have the same name as traditional alcohols and are branded similar to the original alcoholic drink. The reason I ask is because there are many of these drinks now. E.g. There is a drink called "Lager" which has the name, logo and appearance of the original alcoholic drink but is non-alcoholic.

Giving food away that one would not eat oneself

Q: I am a student who went home for lockdown. My electricity had tripped approximately 15 hours prior to my return. My freezer stuff was not frozen, however it was room temperature and I now have doubts whether I can give it away to someone else as I am not sure if its okay for consumption. I know it is sinful and wasteful to throw away food and it is also sinful to give away food that you would not eat yourself. What do I do?