
Religion and marriage

Q: An argument I hear of Atheists and non muslims is that religion and Islam also say that sexual pleasure is only allowed within the bonds of marriage, however the rebuttle that they mention is that marriage existed before religion came. What is the answer for this question?

Beliefs of the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaa'ah

Q: Would you please answer the following queries?

  1. If someone believes all the aqidas of Ahle sunnath wal jamaah, but he firmly believes that Allah is on his thorn and the printed Qur'an is makhlooq (creation), then what is his condition of Imaan?
  2. If someone believes all the aqidas of Ahle sunnath wal jamah, but he does not believe tassawf/kashf/ilham etc. Then what is his condition of Imaan?

Taubah after Irtidaad

Q: If a believer commits an act of kufr which renders him a murtad thereafter he repents, will that repentance be accepted or not? E.g: Someone spoke bad of Nabi s.a.w so he became a murtad thereafter he repented, will that particular sin of kufr be forgiven or not?