
Accepting Islam and changing one's name

Q: I am looking at converting to Islam and have several questions. Is my name permissible, or should I change it due to it having un-Islamic meanings? Todd means fox, dog, clever or wily (intending to be deceitful), and Christopher means Christ-bearer. My next question is hair on men, my hair is long, it is past my shoulders but is neat and kept clean, am I commanded to cut it or shave it if I convert? Also, what is the rule on piercings, I have several. My last question is I still am researching and trying to clear doubts, should I take my Shahadah now or wait and clear my doubts first and say it with a clear mind, and is it better to say it in private or in public like a mosque?

New Muslim publicly professing his Imaan


1. Is it necessary for a new Muslim to publicly profess their Imaan?

2. Under what circumstances will it be permissible to hide one's own Imaan?

3. If a person dies hiding their Imaan, how will the Muslim public ascertain that this person was a Muslim? For example, if a person continued to live with their non-Muslim partner; did not dress as a Muslim; did not make a request for a Muslim funeral and did not change their name, would this be sufficient evidence to not classify them as Muslim?

Strengthening one's Imaan

Q: My imaan is getting weak day by day. Sometimes it comes in my zehan that what if other religions are also right. What should I do now? I am very afraid that Allah will get angry with me. Please guide me. I do tawba to Allah Ta'ala for this thought. Tell me how can I make my Imaan strong.

Murtad coming back to Islam

Q: I am in quite a predicament I need advice please. We have a person that reverted and became murtad due to marriage issues with her husband who was Muslim. The person in question taught at our Muslim school before marriage. We currently have a vacancy and she applies and claims to be Muslim. People that got her married and had personal interaction realise that this person character is manipulative and deceiving. She claims that she is Muslim but lives with her parents who are unaware that she is muslim. A parent that heard about her employment contacted her mother as per her mothers knowledge she ain't Muslim and she eats what they eat. Based on this case please assist me with some knowledgeable answers. Based on our Deen Quraan and Hadith.

1) If a murtad returns to deen what is the process.

2) If she was divorced should she do iddat and even if she went murtad.

3) Your advice with employing a character of such a nature at a Muslim school considering she will be a role model.

4) What should a parent do in a situation like this?

Accepting Islam and concealing it from one's family

Q: I converted to Islam. However, I have kept it from my family knowing that they will not accept my newfound religion and because of all the negativity about Islam in the news. Chinese people, including my family, are very close minded about preserving their culture and religion. But It's taken a really huge toll on me mentally. I'm not too fond of hiding my "new self" from my family and I think it really strains my relationship with them. I always have to lock my door when I pray and I always have to sneak out with the hijab or put it on when I get outside, which is a very difficult task and I think them not knowing somewhat hinders my full potential as a Muslim. For example during Ramadan, my mom would reprimand me for not eating and make me eat and etc. What should I do? Should come clean knowing that they will disown me or should I continue to keep it to myself?

Accepting Islam secretly

Q: Our helper is interested in Islam, but when she tried to tell her parents about Islam, they tell her that she must leave if she accepts Islam and threatened to do something to her child (not sure what) as they believe here in the cities, they are too many religions and thinks Islam to be something like satanism. She wanted to know whether she can accept Islam but keep it a secret from her parents. I told her she can, but then started wondering whether it is right. She has already said the Kalima couple times repeating after my little brother when he came back from Madrassah but not formally. I think she believes, and she's eager to learn more about Salaah and that. Please advise as to what should I do, and is it okay for her to keep it a secret.

Embracing Islam

Q: Can a non muslim convert to Islam in the state of janabah or he has to remove his state of janabah before accepting Islam? What are other necessary pre requisites before converting to Islam?

Reverting to Islam

Q: A friend of mine recently converted to Islam Alhumdulillah. As we live in a non-Islamic country, he needed to sign a form stating that he has knowingly and willingly converted to Islam and has taken the Shahada. This form needs to be signed in front of a policeman or notary by the Imam of his local masjid and also a witness from his family to acknowledge that they know of and understand his decision to convert to Islam. This form is mainly so that should he die, he is buried in the proper Islamic manner and his family who are non-Muslims cannot bury him otherwise. Obviously all other terms and conditions of being a convert to Islam with family still non-Muslim apply. However his parents have refused to accept his Islam and therefore will not willingly witness and sign the form. My question is, can another family member (e.g. his uncle) stand as witness to this signing and will it be binding? Is there anything else he needs to do with regards to this and his conversion to Islam?