Dealing with non-Muslims

Sharing cigarettes with non-Muslims and befriending them

Q: My husband and I are disagreeing on something. So basically my husband has friends that are non-Muslim which I dont have a problem with. However my problem is that my husband and them pass their cigarettes around. In my opinion, I say it's wrong as they are non-Muslims and they drink and so on, so their saliva should not touch my husband's mouth. However, my husband feels that I am being unrealistic and it's not their saliva that's touching the cigarettes, it's only their lips. I still feel that's not right. Please advise what is the correct way for this.

Asking a kaafir to make dua

Q: Can a person ask a kaafir to make dua without any belief that their idols would fulfil their wish. He believes that only Allah Ta'ala can fulfil the wish of the kaafir and that there is no other God that exists except Allah, but just saying "dua karna-pray for me/us" to a kaafir, would this constitute kufr which takes a person out of the fold of Islam?