Dealing with non-Muslims

Interacting with a murtad

Q: I have a relative that turned to Christianity. He therefore is a murtad for more than 30 years and I refuse to associate with him. Some family members however associate with him as per normal. I even saw him recently in a masjid for his mother's janaaza taking part in the salaah.

I would appreciate if you can advise as everyone thinks I'm at fault as I must greet and interact with him to show him the beauty of Islam although he is a born Muslim. We tried in the beginning but he regrettably still practices Christianity.

Showing kindness and dealing justly with non-Muslims

Q: Recent events in Palestine makes us very disturbed as Muslims and human beings. What I have noticed is that not only Muslims around the world but also non-muslims are expressing solidarity and extending their support for Palestine. I would like to ask this question with genuine concern and I hope I do not offend you if I ask.

Should we not treat non Muslims in our lands with fairness and kindness, as we expect them to treat us fairly. In my own country of origin Pakistan, persecution of certain non Muslim groups like Ahmadiyas, Atheists, Hindus, etc. occurs in various form on frequent basis. Are we as Muslims allowed to stand up in support for these non Muslims communities like Ahmadis, Atheists, Hindus, etc. if they are oppressed by our own Muslim brethren?

Befriending non-Muslims and buying haraam food for them

Q: At work with non-Muslims, my colleagues wanted to eat with me and I volunteered to buy the food. They asked me if it is ok if they get pepperoni pizza and I said it is fine. Later I asked them to just go ahead and order so I would not pay for their haraam food.

Since I first said “it was fine” is that kufr because I was too weak to explain to them that I don’t buy haraam food? I feel like I need to redo my Nikah and Hajj.