Deception and Lies

Speaking lies

Q: What should I do when I have cheated in Quran hifz and I have only learned 20 parahs. Now my teacher wants to take tests from me. If I tell the truth it would mean great disrespect to my family. I am very depressed.

Using someone else's student card to get a discount

Q: I currently live in Pretoria and work in Jet Park (I travel about 128km a day to and from work). Currently I use my car everyday to work and back. I have previously looked at the Gautrain as an alternative, however it worked out a little too expensive for me.

Recently, my small brother informed me that he receives a discount on his Gautrain trips (as he is a student) but doesn't use this discount as his campus isn't so far and it's easier for him to drive. As he isn't using this discount- He had offered it to me to use his discount to travel to work.

My question - Would it be permissible to use his discount for my benefit (considering he is a student and I am not)?

مسألة امكان الكذب

س:  أود أن تشرح لي بالتفصيل مسألة "امكان الكذب". قرأت الكتاب "المهند"، لكن الناس لديهم هذا الاعتراض ، أن رأي المؤلف هو خلاف الجمهور. يزعمون أن إمكان الكذب بالإجماع غير جائز عقلا. هل يمكنك تقديم بعض النصوص من السلف من الكتب المعتبرة؟ و هل فيه خلاف بين الاشاعرة و الماتريدية؟ و هل يجوز الخلاف في هذه المسألة؟ ولماذا يفرق بعض الناس بين "امكان الكذب" و "إثابة العاصي وتعذيب المطيع"؟ وإذا قلت أن إمكان الكذب جائز في الكلام اللفظي، هل يكون امكان الكذب في القرآن الكريم ايضا؟ هل في معنى الكلام اللفظي والكلام النفسي خلاف بين الاشاعرة و الماتريدية؟ بينوا بالتفصيل و الدلائل. جزاکم الله خيرا

Lying to one's mother

Q: I told a lie to my mom that I passed my paper because she takes too much tension. Just to avoid her depression I told her that I passed and now she is offering 50 nafal of shukr... I regret telling a lie but I am afraid to tell her the truth. What should I do?

Speaking lies to get citizenship

Q: I have a relative of mine who has come here 7 years go, first as a visitor and than claimed asylum saying to the immigration that her husband has used domestic violence on her and her daughters just to stay in the UK. Her husband had agreed to put that claim in with her at the time. 5 years ago her husband has gone back to his country and had applied for a visa for the UK on a number of times and has been rejected because of the wife's claim of asylum. The daughters don't know who their dad is, one is 9 and the other is 7. Their mother is persistent to get the UK visa regardless how it's affecting her daughters. She is lying to stay in the UK and is getting support money too. Obviously her means of staying in the UK are nothing, just a British passport. What does Islam say about this?