Concealing and Revealing Peoples Faults

Dealing with people who tarnish your image

Q: How to deal with people who lie about you, tarnish your image, hurt you and deprived you of your basic rights. They constantly taunt you and pick faults in you? How to stay firm in faith when you see a liar and deceptive people to be successful in life while truthful and honest ones suffer? 

Is continuously praising oneself and thinking low of others permissible in Islam?

Having husn-uz-zann (good thoughts) for practicing Muslims

Q: According to the Hanafi madhhab I would like to know how this principle of Husn Al-Zann is implied and what is the term for having a bad opinion or giving a bad opinion on unproven elements or on a simple imagination do these detractors have the right to doubt the intention of a person who clearly expresses the motivation for their action?

Not exposing one's sins

Q: I wanted to ask which sin is lesser of the two evils, exposing one's sin or lying? I am asking because if someone asks if you have comitted a sin, is it permissible to lie and say you haven't? Would that be better than exposing your sin? In a situation where you cannot avoid the question?

Discussing one's sins with others

Q: I understand that it is a sin to discuss one's sin with a friend due to it showing a lack of shame. What if I am the one who hasn't committed the sin, but it's my friend that is talking about matters that relates to his sins with me? How should I handle these conversations despite already trying to give da'wah? Do I get sins also for indulging or contributing to this conversation since it might be displeasing to Allah? 

Concealing the faults of a person

Q: I have been forced in making a kassam to something which someone confided in me! It is something un-Islamic which I think the person's parents should know about! Recently the persons parents asked me if I knew what this person was up to and I just acted like I don't really know anything. After I have made a kassam is it allowed for me to tell the persons parents?