Method of Salaah

Reciting Surah Iklaas in every rakaat

Q: I like reciting Surah Ikhlaas, from hadith we know that if one recites Surah Ikhlaas 3 times it equivalent to recitation of one complete Quran. I wanted to know whether surah Ikhlaas could be read:

  1. In every rakath of Fardh salaat.
  2. In every rakath of Sunnath salaat.
  3. In every rakath of any nafil salaat
  4. In every rakath during taraweeh if missed with Jamath.
  5. In every rakath of Salatul Tauba, Salatul Thajjud, Witar and while offering the missed salaat.

Folding one's hands after ruku when praying behind a imaam who reads longer zikr than ''Rabbana lakal hamd''

Q: Must a Hanafi fold his hands after ruku when he prays behind a imaam who does longer zikr than ''Rabbana lakal hamd'' such as;

رَبَّنا وَلَكَ الحَمْدُ حَمْداً كَثيراً طَيِّباً مُبارَكاً فيه

Rabbana wa laka l-h'amd, h'amdan kathiran tayyiban mubaarakan fih

Changing a letter during recitation in salaah

Q: I read in a book that if you change a letter during recitation in salaah, the salaah is broken. Such as reading the letter ت instead of  د such as at the end of Surah al Falaq reading HASET instead of HASED. But somehow when I recite HASED no matter how much I pay attention to recite it with D I hear a T sound at the end coming out. Does this still break salaah? To break salaah does it need to change meaning, if HASED is read as HASET does it change meaning?