
Wazifa for marriage

Q: I am doing a wazeefa for love marriage which I read Ya ghanio ya mughniyo 1100 times for 90 days. I have started this from 2nd january 2018. I just wanted to know if this wazeefa is good enough? As I feel that after doing this I am facing alot of problems in my life. Also tell if this wazeefa is good enough so what should I do if I miss or skip a day to read this wazeefa. 

Feeling tired

Q: I would like to know if I started reading some wazifahs for few a months but now I'm starting to feel very tired all the time. Is the wazifahs the cause of me getting tired like this? The reason for asking is that I heard that some things are too powerful for us normal people to handle, so must I stop reading it? 

Can jin control humans?

Q: My question is about jin and aseeb. Can you please guide me on what are the views in Islam regarding jin and aseeb. Specifically, do jins have that much power to control the activities and every thing of humans. I mean, can jins control humans. As people nowadays say that a particular person is effected by jins. 

Wearing a taweez

Q: I wanted to ask whether its permissible to wear a taweez (on arms) as I have my driving test next week. I know that wearing taweez is bid’ah and a form of shirk. But I’m not too sure of wearing the ones which you can wear when we have exams etc. I just want to ask before I commit shirk whilst doing my test.

Wearing a Taweez


1. Is taweez shirk?

2. Is it proven that a person can wear a taweez as protection knowing that Allah is the protector.

3. Will reading 7 times surah alam nashra help in exams? 

Doubts regarding black magic

Q: I'm 29 years old. I'm only one sister and I have two brothers. I was in a relationship with a boy in college. I took some photos with him also. Now I learnt that this type of relationship is haram. I'm making istighfaar to Almighty Allah and I'm keeping a distance fromo that boy. Now I want to get married to a boy that my famliy chose but this boy that I was with in college is making my life miserable. I'm praying to Allah to protect me but day by day this boy is making my life bad. Some people say that he did black magic so I can't get married. My brother is angry with me and he is in so much distress. I'm so helpless. I understand this was a big mistake in my life. Can I go to some people who know how to treat black magic?