
Clients delaying in payment

Q: I have started a business. I am doing work for clients and they are pleased. However, they inordinately delay in making payment and they give false promises. I complete the work in days, but then I have to wait weeks to months to be remunerated. Please may I have a Dua/Wazifa. Almost everyday I do recite some Istighfaar and a Masnoon Dua for Halaal Rizq.

Wazeefah to pay debts

Q: We are in big debt. Since two months our company is also not running that smooth. Please give me some wazifa to recite or something to pay the debt as soon as possible. Also, please give some wazifa for barkat in our work and factory.

Ruqyah treatment

Q: How often should one do ruqyah if one is suffering from ocd (more accurately waswas al-qahri)? If one is in the process of ruqyah and accidently utters an english word, is the ruqya nullified? How about an arabic word? Also, is it permissible to do one ruqya session for multiple illnesses (for same person)? Will this take away from the effectiveness?

Wazifa for protection

Q: It has been a while since we've noticed spots of blood appearing in our garage, backyard and rooftop. It is dark brown clotted blood and exactly round spots with no spills. We do not have any pets at home as well. Last night we heard crows around 12 am and when we went out there was blood again. What should we do?

The acceptance of duas


1. What is the reason why wazifas don't work for some people and what are the conditions needed to make sure it works?

2. If you don't pray salah, will Wazifa never work or will it just work very slowly? What if you pray but not punctual?

Wazifa for protection

Q: My son is 4 years old. He says that he is able to see insects who are opening their mouths and coming near to him. He gets very scared before sleeping. Before he goes to bed I read the daily sleeping duas for him but I want to know why he sees these insects.

Taking work from jinnaat

Q: Is it shirk to invoke a good jinn bound to a vessel by believing "without the permission of Allah nothing can happen" so the jinn can be your friend without causing other people harm. Sometimes complete wishes for you such as more money and wishes that doesn't go against Islamic teachings and just guide u as a friend and the jinn is kind of a personal trainer?