
Wazifa for marriage proposals

Q: The person who likes me didnt introduced his parents to mine yet. However he mentioned me to his parents... I am 23 and he is 22... I dont want much delay.. the girls of my age usually have kids.. and here... I am not engaged yet.. Please help me as I am depressed.. I don't even talk properly with my parents due to this tension.

Cure for baldness

Q: I have heard many times that there is shifa for each and every disease in reading Qur'an. I am suffering from hair loss, baldness severely and want to know if there is any Surah with which I can benefit or from Tibbe Nawabi. Honestly speaking I am suffering from baldness from last 11 years and still have hope in Allah that this will be cured. Can you please suggest as per our beloved Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) remedies or reciting of any Surah.

Wazifa for happy married life

Q: I have two questions:

1. My husband applied for British passport but since one year he got no reply. I applied after him but I got a British passport within two months. Please  tell us any dua to read.

2. My sister got married in march 2017 but her husband is not good. Now his father in law died. She is in Pakistan but her husband is not willing to bring her to the UK. Can you tell us any dua or surah to read for a happy married life and she will able to come here. 

Wazifa for a good business

Q: I am running a courier business. I opened an office last year. My office building is on rent. Now my landlord rented the office to someone else without informing me. He gave me less space to rent and yet still he wants me to vacate my office but my budget is not so much. There is no other place and my work is running good from here. What should I do now that no one can remove me from here and my work is also going good. Please tell me a dua for that.

Wazifa for Insomnia

Q: I have a sleeping problem. I cant sleep all night. I took sleeping pills but due to this now I have sleep paralaysis which means that I cant move my body or not even open my eyes for 5 minutes. Please give me any dua for sleep disorder and sleep apnea. 

Wazifa for heart pain

Q: Is it permissible to make the below wazifa? If not, please advise a wazifa for heart pain. 

"As soon as you finish your fard Salah, put your right hand on your heart and recite this verse 11 times:"

أَلَا بِذِكْرِ اللَّـهِ تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوبُ 

Surah ar-Ra'd, Verse 28

Cure for depression

Q: I have a problem regarding my health. I'm seriouly feeling I cannot concentrate on anything. There is something wrong in my heart. I'm just crying all the time. Please pray for me and the solution to my problem of feeling depressed. Everyone is telling me that everything is ok. I find myself stuck to one place. I get lot shiverings and joint pains, doctors are telling me that everything is ok. I don't find any solution to my problem.

Wazifa for debts

Q: My husband is in lots of debt. He went to settle in UAE for a better job and future and to get rid of the debts. Please give us some genuine wazifa so that my husband gets good job in UAE and so that me and our son can live with him in UAE.