
Reading wazifahs for cure

Q: I have some health problems like skin infection and a hump on my back which is not responding to medicines well. I doubt it is nazar. On someone's advice I took a bucket of water out of the bathroom and then put my hands upto my elbows in it and read 7 times durood, 7 times surah fatiha, 7 times aayatul kursi, 7 times Quls and 7 times durood. I did not blow on the water, I just took the bucket in bathroom and poured that water on my head. I did it twice and found alot of improvement. Can I do this?

Wazifa for allergy

Q: I am 46 years old and have been having a bad allergy for 10 months called urticiria and the doctors don't know how to treat it. I am really worried and think somebody has gave me shirk. Please reply.

Desire to go for Umrah again

Q: I've just gotten back from umrah on the 26th Feb. Subhanallah, I have never felt so much at peace when I was there, especially being in Musjid-e-Nabawi. Being there I did not feel any pain in my body (cancer), not a single worry was on my mind. My problem is that since coming back home, I have become sad and crying most of the day. I crave and miss to be there. I do not want to be here in my own country. I feel that when I was there, I did not do much ibadah, time was wasted as I was just learning ways over there. Is there any dua that I can make to increase the chances of Allah inviting me back there? I promise myself that if I get to go there again Insha Allah, I will not leave any time wasted like I did before. Is there any way for Allah to grant me death in Madina or Makkah? Or is it wrong for me to make dua like that?

Wazeefah for stray thoughts

Q: My question is that I have some reading problem. The moment I start reading something, strange thoughts come to my mind and because of that I can't continue my reading. I cannot concentrate and have to stop at that moment. Kindly solve my issue through wazifah or Islamic ayat.

Wazifa for sustenance

Q: I am looking forward to start my own business. I have different options but i cant focus on any one. I am lacking a decision making ability. Please give me a wazifa or amal so that the best option for my duniya and aakhira could be opted.