
Black magic

Q: I have a problem with my husband. For few days he is nice to me, then suddenly he changes. He stops talking, blocks my number an all. When he was nice to me my mother in-law used to say to him that I did black magic to be good with me. After some days he changed shockingly. I suspect he is under bad influence. I want to know if he is under black magic and we don't stay together also. How to check? What is the solution to his behavior?

Going to an Aamil

Q: I wasn't feeling well, so I had an aamil check me on the phone. My friend told me about him. He is a hafiz and on Deen. So he has a lot reference people go to him. Alhumdulillah with the hukm of Allah people get cured. So he lives overseas. So if I call him on the cell and speak to him, he tell's you what is happening. Mow my yakin is on Allah only. So i was having bad foot pain and cramps so I called him and he told me put out your hand and close your hands and then he checks from there. He tells you what you have like a blood circulation problem and what medicine you have to take. Now he came to my country as well and he checked me. I had jinns, so he removed it by placing them in bottle. Now when I call him on the phone, he tells me you have to take this medicine and so on. I am worried is it shirk. I know only Allah knows everything only Allah is the curer. We used the means of the world but only Allah can give shifa. So by asking him from my country and he tells you put you hand out and then he ask if it heavy and he ask if you have pain here and there and then he tells you what illness you have, is listening to him shirk? I am worried about my Imaan. I want to die on Imaan.

Wazifa for confidence

Q: I'm doing MBBS but I don't have any self confidence. I easily get worried and frightened. I can't even talk to anyone. I don't have any confidence and can't do any thing. Please tell me any dua or wazifa so I gain my confidence level and perform better because it's getting worse day by day.

Visa problem

Q: I'm from Pakistan but living in Saudi Arabia Jeddah for work job purpose. My last employer terminated my contract 3 months ago. But gave the privilege to look for another job my last working day with notice period was 15 December. I found another job in last December and all necessary paperwork were done and my employer who was my visa sponsor as well gave me release documents and new employer took me under his sponsorship. After this I have an amount of around 8000 $ pending for my vacation settlement and 15 day of December on my last sponsor or employer. As per Saudi laws after transfer of sponsorship to new employer the settlement should Be done by old employer. Despite finalizing all legal documents my old employer stopped my final settlement cheuqe and my experience letter as well. It has been almost 1 month since I'm waiting for my settlement cheque as I have liabilities to pay but the employer not signing it for no reason. Please send me some strong wazifa I can recite or do so that my cheque is released as I didn't receive any single penny for the month of December 2016 or my one month vacation. Thanks for your advice.

Wazifa for shifa

Q: How can I increase my sabar and tawakkal on Allah when being diagnosed with a great medical issue. Please tell me any zikr or any surah that I can read to calm myself from this calamity that has befallen me. Please give me any ayah that I could read to make my heart feel at ease.

Wearing a taweez

Q: I visited one aamil for my personal problem. He gave one small paper contain Arabic numbers in it and asked me to keep it under a heavy stone. Also he gave asmaaul husna to recite for 21 days. Is it taweez? Is it permissible in Islam?

Wazifa for pain

Q: Can you please tell me what Du'a this is and what it should be read for:

ربنا الله الذي في السماء تقدس اسمك امرك فى السماء والأرض كما رحمتك فى الارض واغفر لنا حوبنا وخاطايانا انت رب الطيبين فأنزل شفاء من شفاءك و رحمة من رحمتك على هذا الوجع

Protection from jinn

Q: My question is that one of my friends gave me two copies of letters of Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) to the jinnaat for protection purposes because once a tragedy happened to me. One copy is translated and the other is not. One's Arabic words are different from the other. Similarly there are some Arabic duas which we learnt but the same are quite different or some extent different from what we read elsewhere. Is it permissible to recite these duas?